It happens to all of us. Sometimes, we just don’t feel like doing anything, be it work, chores, or whatever… it’s easier to chill out, relax, and forget about responsibilities. But what if this turns into a habit, and things …
Simple Tips For Personality Development
What is personality? I think it’s an inside-out thing and in general, I would say it’s a composite of your thoughts your feelings, and actions, and all of these can be improved on many levels. Being a human being, you need …
Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose and Gain Self Confidence
Discovering your life purpose is not an easy process. Ask someone what their purpose in life is, what do you think you will receive as an answer? Possibly a fuzzy list of goals or maybe responsibilities, for example, to be …
Do You Want To Live A Happy And Successful Life?
Human life is the most precious and God has given us a gift to us. Hence we must enjoy it happily and successfully. It is not meant for weeping and sleeping only. God created us with a specific purpose. A …
Strengthen Your Focus to Achieve Your Goals
Being focused is extremely beneficial in all areas of your life, but it is something that must be nurtured and built within yourself. Once strengthened, this focus will be an advantage in achieving your goals. Why? Because having the unshakable …
How Positive Thinking Can Make Us Happier And More Successful
One’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance …
Do not forget to laugh–it will lighten up your whole day…
Laughter is considered the best medicine – preventive as well as curative. Smiling relaxes our facial muscles. When we are happy and laugh, “feel-good chemicals” like endorphins and serotonin are released. That is the reason for laughter improves our mood …